The competencies of project managers working with agile and traditional approaches: a comparative study




Competencies, Project Management Methodologies, Agile Methodologies, Project Leadership.


The world is rapidly changing, forcing organizations to adapt their processes in order to respond quickly to these constant changes. In the project management scenario, new methodologies are increasingly present, bringing a more agile and lean approach. In this context, the project manager with formal authority over the team is gradually giving way to a leader who acts more as a facilitator, removing obstacles and promoting collaboration and continuous learning. Thus, the objective of this article is to compare the competencies considered most important for a project manager who works predominantly with Traditional methodologies and the project leader who uses Agile approaches. For this, a survey was carried out, using an online questionnaire, submitted to professionals working on projects. The 142 valid responses received were subjected to parametric through correspondence and profile analysis, as well as non-parametric statistical analysis, using Kendall's rank correlation coefficient method. The five competencies considered most important were the same for the two groups, but they were ordered in different ways. They are: Personal Integrity and Reliability, Personal Communication, Teamwork, Strategy and Relationships and Engagement Statistical analyzes did not allow categorically concluding that there are differences in the perception of the importance of skills by professionals working with Agile and Traditional methodologies, opening a very promising discussion about the way in which these new approaches are being incorporated by organizations and perceived by its professional.

Author Biographies

Maria Paula Novakoski Perides, FEA-USP

Doutranda em Administração na Universidade de São Paulo

Erika Borgonovo Barrote, FEA-USP

Mestranda em Administração na Universidade de São Paulo

Roberto Sbragia, FEA-USP

Doutor em Administração pela Universidade de São Paulo

Pós-doutor em Ciências de Engenharia e Gestão pelo Instituto Tecnológico da Universidade  Northwestern (EUA) 

Professor Titular do Departamento de Gestão da Faculdade de Economia, Negócios e Contabilidade (FEA) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP)


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How to Cite

Perides, M. P. N., Barrote, E. B., & Sbragia, R. (2021). The competencies of project managers working with agile and traditional approaches: a comparative study. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 12(1), 11–38.


