Software for helping childish pre-alphabetization based on intellingent recognition of manuscript characters


  • Peterson Adriano Belan UNINOVE, São Paulo
  • Edilaine Petinari Nery UNINOVE, São Paulo
  • Sidnei Alves de Araújo UNINOVE, São Paulo



Caracteres manuscritos. Inteligência artifi cial. Redes neurais. Software educacional.


In this work, we propose the development of a software to help the childish prealphabetization, based on the recognition of manuscript characters, using the supervised artificial neural network. Previously, children of 5 and 6 years old ran the software composed of a set of letters of the alphabet written by other children in the same age, by means of the neural module that compounds its nucleus. After the training phase, the software, also composed of a multimedia interface duly characterized to interact with the child, was considered ready to use.


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Author Biographies

Peterson Adriano Belan, UNINOVE, São Paulo

Graduado em Ciência da Computação – Uninove.

Edilaine Petinari Nery, UNINOVE, São Paulo

Graduada em Ciência da Computação – Uninove.

Sidnei Alves de Araújo, UNINOVE, São Paulo

Mestre em Ciência da Computação – Mackenzie; Doutorando em Ciência da Computação – Poli-USP; Professor na graduação [Ciência da Computação] – Uninove.



How to Cite

Belan, P. A., Nery, E. P., & Araújo, S. A. de. (2008). Software for helping childish pre-alphabetization based on intellingent recognition of manuscript characters. Exacta, 4(1), 87–93.
  • Abstract 307
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 128

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