Technical-economic evaluation of the use of solar photovoltaic energy in supermarkets: a case study
Photovoltaic solar energy, Economic and financial viability, Commercial sector.Abstract
The use of distributed generation systems has been an alternative sought by managers of commercial establishments to reduce costs with energy inputs. The objective of this work was to analyze the technical-economic feasibility of installing a photovoltaic solar system in a supermarket, located in the municipality of Jacinto - Minas Gerais. The system was analyzed using the PVSyst program and the indicators Net Present Value (VPL), Internal Rate of Return (TIR) and Capital Return Time (TRC). It was found VPL of R$ 447,081.76, IRR of 24% and TRC of 4 years and 1 month for acquisition at sight of the system; and VPL of R$ 407,417.31, TIR of 19% and TRC of 5 years for acquisition by bank financing. Therefore, the use of solar energy in supermarkets can increase the competitiveness of these establishments, in addition to contributing to sustainable development, which is increasingly demanded by the market and society.
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