The textile industry in BRAZIL: an analysis of the importance of competitiveness in the global context
Competitiveness, Textile industry, Technologic innovation.Abstract
Brazil is the 5th largest textile industry and the 4th in the clothing segment in the world. However, its share in the global textile market is only 0.3% in turnover, with a low gain in competitive capacity. Considering its importance for the economy of Brazil, this article seeks to analyze the competitiveness of the Brazilian textile chain considering the attributes of innovation, construction and promotion of brands, flexibility, production with high quality standards. In this context, analyzes of the innovation attribute are carried out based on prospecting on a worldwide patent basis, positioning of Brazilian brands and initiatives to increase the production of inputs such as raw material and equipment in order to identify the competitive position of the Brazilian textile industry, identifying the main players in equipment, exports and technological development in the textile sector. Thus, it is established which competitive advantages of the Brazilian industry should be developed based on this scenario.
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