Synthetic Wind and Monte Carlo simulation – A way to consider the aleatory and instable characteristic of wind action in structures
Carregamento aleatório. Monte Carlo. Procedimento. Vento.Vento Sintético.Abstract
In this article, it is presented a possibility to consider the random and unstable characteristic of the loads of winds, which is an important study for towers, light structures, high constructions, membranes structures, tensor-structures and textile architectures. The sequence of application of the Method of the Synthetic Wind is made from a bibliographical revision to demonstrate as a routine of procedures to be applied in the development of projects using as reference the proposal of recognized structural planner Dr. Mario Franco, for the analysis random and unstable actions of the winds in the structures, and also a simulation form through Method of Monte Carlo. Focusing this article and its intention more in didactic understanding than in the presentation of an possibility of analysis procedures, this study allows a simplified reading to the engineering students and beginners in projects related to the obtaining of results of the efforts and or displacements, when the wind is considered with random and unstable conditions.Downloads
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How to Cite
Obata, S. H. (2009). Synthetic Wind and Monte Carlo simulation – A way to consider the aleatory and instable characteristic of wind action in structures. Exacta, 7(1), 77–86.
- Abstract 284
- PDF (Português (Brasil)) 528