A dynamic data structure for bidimensional and tridimensional Delaunay mesh generation


  • Mauro Massayoshi Sakamoto PEA-EPUSP
  • José Roberto Cardoso PEA-EPUSP
  • José Marcio Machado Unesp, SP




Algoritmo de Delaunay. Estrutura de dados. Geração de malhas bidimensionais e tridimensionais. Método dos elementos finitos. STL.


In this work it is presented the implementation of an algorithm for triangular and tetrahedral Delaunay mesh generation, by the implementation of a set data structure and generic methods that allow selecting dynamically the size of each of these structures, producing classes and methods of order 2, as well as of order 3, according to the dimension of the studied problem. The key idea of this algorithm is to provide 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional mesh generation, without needing two algorithms, or still, of complex data structures, and thus, eliminating code redundancy. The presented methodology was developed with the aid of the containers of Standard Template Library (STL), which supports the necessary tools for the algorithm development.


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Author Biographies

Mauro Massayoshi Sakamoto, PEA-EPUSP

Pesquisador do LMAG – PEA-EPUSP. São Paulo – SP

José Roberto Cardoso, PEA-EPUSP

Professor do LMAG – PEA-EPUSP. São Paulo – SP

José Marcio Machado, Unesp, SP

Professor do DDCE – IBILCE-Unesp. São José do Rio Preto – SP



How to Cite

Sakamoto, M. M., Cardoso, J. R., & Machado, J. M. (2008). A dynamic data structure for bidimensional and tridimensional Delaunay mesh generation. Exacta, 5(2), 291–300. https://doi.org/10.5585/exacta.v5i2.1178
  • Abstract 132
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 142