FOR For decent student training: pedagogy of dialogue in the approach to action research in human rights





ensino do direito, formação, discente jurídica, formação ética-democrática, núcleo de prática jurídica, pedagogia dialógica


The challenge of this text is to demonstrate other possibilities, through spaces and actions that provoke and enable a less technical and more critical, reflective, empathetic, dialogic and humanistic legal student training, which presents itself as resistance to the imperialist tradition of training. legal. That said, it is our objective to discuss theoretical-methodological paths of a pedagogical action carried out in the Mutirão da Transcidadania, promoted and led by the Center for Legal Practices of Centro Universitário Tiradentes – UNIT/AL. We opted for critical theorizations in dialogue, taking into account the aspects of ethical training, committed to emancipation and critical thinking-behavior of graduates in training, especially from the perspective of alterity, since it is an action of student protagonism in contact directly with trans people in the search for their rights. The methodological path was outlined through an action research approach with the aim of thinking about a less technical and more horizontal legal student training.



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Author Biographies

Fabiana de Moura Cabral Malta , Tiradentes University

Doctor in Education, Manager and Lecturer of the Law Undergraduate Program at the University Center of Maceió; Member of the Diadorim Gender Studies Group; Lawyer and Pedagogue.

Gregory Balthazar , Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Doctor in Education, Professor of the Graduate Program in Education and the Undergraduate Programs at the University of Extremo Sul Catarinense. Coordinator of the Diadorim Gender Studies Group (UNESC), Researcher at the Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Studies Group (NEABI/UNESC). Faculty Advisor of the Multidisciplinary LGBTQIAPN+ Academic League at UNESC. Member of GT 23 - Gender, Sexuality, and Education of ANPEd.

Simone Amorim , Federal University of Sergipe

Faculty member of the Graduate Program in Education/Unit; Researcher at ITP/SE; member of the Equidade.Info project and NECUFS, as well as the Management Committee of the Tiradentes Education Observatory (OBET); leader of the Research Group Education and Society: Subjects and Educational Practices (GEPES).


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How to Cite

MALTA , Fabiana de Moura Cabral; BALTHAZAR , Gregory; AMORIM , Simone. FOR For decent student training: pedagogy of dialogue in the approach to action research in human rights: LA PÉDAGOGIE DU DIALOGUE DANS L’APPROCHE DE RECHERCHE-ACTION EN DROITS DE L’HOMME. EccoS – Revista Científica, [S. l.], n. 71, p. e26212, 2024. DOI: 10.5585/eccos.n71.26212. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 mar. 2025.
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