Two different films in the classroom: the argentine relatos selvagens (2014) and the brazilian Durval Discos (2002) as objects of analysis about the individual in society
behavior, reflection, actionAbstract
This article is about two films that can be used in the classroom in disciplines that seek to articulate their content with integrating themes and contribute to the conscious and citizen education of our students. A methodological proposal is presented in order to guide teaching activity and stimulate critical thinking of students through dialogue and written practice. The objective is to analyze each film in its content and extract the elements that make it possible to reflect on the individual's behavior. The films mentioned are the Argentine Relatos Selvagens (2014) and the Brazilian Durval Discos (2002). The two films allow to make various reflections about the persons and their actions in different situations and allowing to analyze the relevance of the exercise of solidarity, subsidiarity and participation among individuals. The experience allows pointing out the relevance of entertainment as an instrument to be explored, favoring the use of cinema as a tool in the teaching-learning process.Downloads
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