Beyond the critics: acceptance and dialogue places. the contribution of ngos sport projects to adolescents education and human development
adolescent, sport, NGO, complex thoughtAbstract
This article comes from a master’s degree research and suggests thinking about adolescents and the sport projects of Non-Governmental Organizations they take part in. The meaning of the NGOs for the adolescents is the object of the study. The comprehension about the influence of these organizations in their education and human development outlines the problem of research. The complex thought supports the study theoretically, referring to a wide education, and brings the person back to the research process. It is qualitative research, which accomplished 23 unstructured interviews with adolescents from three NGOs in São Paulo and region. The data analysis produces inferences about the research object, supported by the theoretical reference. The findings point to the perception of the adolescents about the NGOs as places of education and human development, most because of the way they are accepted, the affectivity of the relationships and the educational strategies, with the teachers as the main responsible for these elements.
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