Facilitating aspects of the System for Distribution of Medicines by Single Dose for nursing


  • Sandra Neves Araújo UNINOVE
  • Ana Lonch Sabates UNG




Assistência Pediátrica, Dose Única, Prática de enfermagem, Sistemas de medicação no hospital.


OBJECTIVES: To identify the facilitating aspects in the use of this system in a pediatric hospital and to verify its importance in the practice of nursing professionals. METHOD: This study is an exploratory, descriptive, field, transversal. RESULTS: Data on population characteristics were collected in the first part of the questionnaire and refer to sex, age, year of graduation, education level, degree and length of experience with SDMDU. CONCLUSIONS: After analysis, it was possible to identify the facilitating aspects: “optimization of time”, “waste reduction of medication”, “errors and contamination during preparation”, and the negative aspects: “losing the ability to prepare the medication”, “excess confidence”, “the lack of 24-hour pharmacy services”, “contradicts the norms of COREN”, and “delay in delivery of single dose for nursing”.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Neves Araújo, UNINOVE

Enfermeira, Mestre em enfermagem Professora de Enfermagem do Departamento de Saúde - UNINOVE.

Ana Lonch Sabates, UNG

Professora Dra em Enfermagem - Orientadora.



How to Cite

Araújo SN, Sabates AL. Facilitating aspects of the System for Distribution of Medicines by Single Dose for nursing. Cons. Saúde [Internet]. 2010 Jun. 17 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];9(1):47-58. Available from: https://uninove.emnuvens.com.br/saude/article/view/2076



Basic Sciences