Strategic planning applied on the public sector:

the Sub secretariat of Administrative Affairs case




Strategic planning, Public sector, Strategic Map, Performance Dashboard


Objective of the study: build a strategic planning for a public sector entity - the Sub secretariat for Administrative Affairs (SAA) within the Ministry of Health - in order to allow its administrators to control and evaluate their work processes and enable the integrated management of their general coordination, observing the alignment of its superior planning.

Methodology / approach: a strategic planning cycle based on the consolidation of literature applied to the public sector is applied in a six-step flow. With a qualitative approach, it refers to a case study and action research, in which the researchers assumed the role of facilitators of the process together with the team of managers of the researched entity.

Originality / Relevance: the research promotes a factual system, based on the interests and needs of the entity's managers, responding to the internal demands of the environment. In addition, the importance of conducting planning for defining the future and strategy in public sector entities is highlighted, in order to promote the improvement in the provision of services to the population and allow the evaluation of the results achieved.

Main results: in addition to the mission, vision, values and analysis of the environment, a strategic plan was prepared consisting of 11 objectives and a set of 70 actions and strategic indicators effective until the year 2023, forming a relevant performance dashboard.

Theoretical / methodological contributions: the provision of subsidies for the strategic development stands out, in order to constitute elements considered essential to be included in its construction process.

Social / management contributions: the construction of the model is based on the perceptions of the people involved in the SAA management process and on the alignment with the planning of the Health Ministry. Therefore, the built model contributes to the achievement of the Ministry's own strategic objectives, providing synergy and a common direction to the entity.


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Author Biographies

Lucas dos Santos Matos, Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC / Florianópolis (SC)

Doctor in Production Engineering

Monique Regina Bayestorff Duarte, Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC / Florianópolis (SC)

Master in University Management

Amanda da Silva Camargo, Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC / Florianópolis (SC)

Mastering student in Accounting

Manuela Coelho Perez, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Master in University Management

Igor Simões Ferreira da Silva, Ministry of Health - Brasília (DF)

Specialist in Controllership and Public Finance.


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How to Cite

Matos, L. dos S., Duarte, M. R. B., Camargo, A. da S., Perez, M. C., & da Silva, I. S. F. (2023). Strategic planning applied on the public sector: : the Sub secretariat of Administrative Affairs case. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 22(1), e24461.