The Structure-Conduct-Performance paradigm: a study in the jewelry industry companies in Guaporé - RS




competitiveness, strategy, structure-conduct-performance, jewelry industry.


Objective of the study: This study aimed to understand how the structure of the industry and the conduct of the business organization influence the performance of companies that composes the jewelry industry in Guaporé-RS. Methodology: The authors carried out an exploratory research, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, characterized as a study of multiple cases. A structured script was used as a data collection instrument, elaborated from analysis categories that emerged from the literature review.Originality: This is an unprecedented study of the application of the ECD theoretical model to the jewelry industry in Guaporé-RS. Main results: As a main result, the authors highlight that, in the perception of the study participants, the structure of the jewelry industry in Guaporé has an influence on the conduct of its members and this, in turn, has influenced the performance of companies and the industry as a whole. It was possible to understand how the processes of choice and implementation of the adopted strategy are carried out, in addition to identifying the influences on the definition of how to compete and the results obtained from these choices. Theoretical / methodological contributions: As the ECD model has not been applied in this sector, his theoretical proposal broadens the understanding of the complexity of the behavior of industry actors, the understanding of the strategies that companies use and, especially, the performance they achieve from their performance in scenarios of extreme competition. Social / management contributions: It results from the data obtained from the studied industry, since it will be able to expand the knowledge of the participants and enable the projection of future scenarios, strengthening the industry as a whole.


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Author Biographies

José Roberto da Silva Soveral, Corporate Risk Manager / Master's in Administration (UPF) – Passo Fundo, RS

Corporate Risk Manager / Master's in Administration (UPF) – Passo Fundo, RS

Ana Claudia Machado Padilha, University of Passo Fundo - Passo Fundo, RS

Bachelor in Accounting Sciences (UPF), Specialist in Strategic Business Management (UPF), Master or Doctor in Agribusiness (UFRGS), Coordinator of the Agribusiness Course (UPF) and Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Administration at the University of Passo Fundo ( UPF)

Thais Muraro Simionato, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) / Porto Alegre, RS

Master's in Administration (UPF) / Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) / Porto Alegre, RS


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How to Cite

Soveral, J. R. da S., Padilha, A. C. M., & Simionato, T. M. (2023). The Structure-Conduct-Performance paradigm: a study in the jewelry industry companies in Guaporé - RS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 22(1), e21113.