What impacts the performance of technology organization? an entreprenerial perspective


  • Airan Arinê Possamai Regional University of Blumenau - FURB
  • Marianne Hoeltgebaum Regional University of Blumenau - FURB
  • Tales Andreassi Regional University of Blumenau - FURB
  • Mohamed Amal Regional University of Blumenau - FURB




Organizational Performance. Corporate Entrepreneurship. Institutional Entrepreneurship.


This article proposes the construction of a theoretical review from Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE), Institutional Entrepreneurship (IE) and Organizational Performance (OP) viewpoints. To identify and discuss the relation between indicators of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Organizational Performance and indicators of Institutional Entrepreneurship and Organizational Performance, this study presents the dimensions and definitions of each indicator, and their relationships with Organizational Performance. The literature shows two different relationships between Corporate Entrepreneurship with Organizational Performance and Institutional Entrepreneurship with Organizational Performance. Organizational Performance is presented with indicators including return on assets, profitability and sales growth. The relationships between all indicators are presented with a theoretical framework that was tested using 72 information technology organizations. The relationships between the dimensions of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Institutional Entrepreneurship with Organizational Performance were confirmed. The results show that indicators of Institutional Entrepreneurship dimension and characteristics of control variables when presented in isolation are mechanisms for improving Organizational Performance levels in organizations, as well as when the combined effect, considering specific indicators of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Institutional Entrepreneurship, the organization tends to have better Returns to your Organizational Performance. In this study we did not consider the fact that the sample companies were mostly born global in the IT industry, which may have influenced the results of the research.


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How to Cite

Possamai, A. A., Hoeltgebaum, M., Andreassi, T., & Amal, M. (2017). What impacts the performance of technology organization? an entreprenerial perspective. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 16(2), 51–65. https://doi.org/10.5585/ijsm.v16i2.2443


