Gooool: motivation drivers of attitudinal and behavioral fan loyalty in Brazil


  • Philip J. Rosenberger III University of Newcastle
  • Jin Ho Yun Sungkyunkwan University
  • Mohammad M. Rahman Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
  • Sören Köcher TU Dortmund University
  • Mauro José de Oliveira Centro Universitário da FEI



Motivational drivers, Fan loyalty, Attitudinal loyalty.


Objective:  Football is the predominant sport in Brazil, but a better understanding of what motivates non-football and football fans is needed.

Method: A conceptual model is empirically tested of the effects of six motivational drivers-Interest in Team, Socialisation, Aesthetics, Sport Knowledge, Interest in Sport, Vicarious Achievement-on both attitudinal and behavioural fan loyalty using survey data from 483 Brazilian sports fans.

Originality/Relevance: a theoretical gap exists as to understanding the unique motivations for Brazilian fan loyalty (Wang, Zhang, & Tsuji, 2011) and what drives Brazilian fans to attitudinally commit to a team and exhibit fan-related behaviours, such as attending matches and buying team merchandise.

Results: fans of both football and other sports in Brazil share some underlying motivational drivers of attitudinal loyalty and behavioural loyalty. They also indicate that some differences exist across the motivational drivers of attitudinal and behavioural fan loyalty.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: Results from this study support previous research into the influence of motivations on attitudinal loyalty and behavioural loyalty and offer insights into the direct influence of different motivations on attitudinal loyalty and behavioural loyalty.

Social/management contributions: these findings will assist sports-marketing practitioners of sports competing with football in Brazil to formulate more effective, fan-centric marketing-communication strategies leading to a larger loyal fan base.


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Biografia do Autor

Philip J. Rosenberger III, University of Newcastle

Dr Philip J. Rosenberger III is a lecturer in marketing at the Central Coast Business School, the University of Newcastle - Central Coast, Australia. He holds a PhD in marketing (University of Newcastle, Australia), as well as holding a Master of Business Administration from Erasmus University, Rotterdam. His research interests include sports marketing, product and retail innovation and branding. His research publications appear in the Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, International Journal of New Product Development & Innovation Management, Australasian Marketing Journal, Sport Marketing Quarterly and others.

Jin Ho Yun, Sungkyunkwan University

Jin Ho Yun is a PhD candidate at the SKK Graduate School of Business, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Republic of Korea and holds an Bachelor of Business degree in Marketing (Honours) from the University of Newcastle, Australia. His research interests include neuromarketing and sports marketing. His research has been published in the Journal of Business Research and presented at international conferences.

Mohammad M. Rahman, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania

Dr Mohammad M. Rahman is an Associate Professor at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, and previously a lecturer in Business Administration at the School of Management, Shandong University, P.R. China. He holds a PhD in management (University of Newcastle, Australia) and Masters of Business Administration from the University of Houston, U.S.A. His research interests include tourism marketing, consumer behaviour, mobile social media, SMEs networking and internationalisation of Chinese Multinational Enterprises. His publications appear in journals including the Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Brand Management, and Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing.

Sören Köcher, TU Dortmund University

Dr Sören Köcher works as a lecturer and 'akademischer Rat' in the Department of Marketing at TU Dortmund University. He holds a PhD in marketing from TU Dortmund University. He has published in academic marketing journals, including Psychology & Marketing.

Mauro José de Oliveira, Centro Universitário da FEI

Prof. Dr. Mauro José de Oliveira is research associate at Centro Universitário da FEI, São Paulo, Brazil. He received his PhD on Business and Marketing, about the motivations of the intention of the use of social networks, a model of social action, and life satisfaction, from the Centro Universitário da FEI, Brazil.  His doctoral thesis was chosen as the best of the year in the institution where he studied his Phd. His research is in social media, integrated marketing communications and consumer behaviour, specialising in structured equation modelling. His research has been published in peer reviewed journals and books in the Brazil, United Kingdom and United States of America. He is member of American Marketing Association and Academy of Marketing (UK).




Como Citar

Rosenberger III, P. J., Yun, J. H., Rahman, M. M., Köcher S., & de Oliveira, M. J. (2019). Gooool: motivation drivers of attitudinal and behavioral fan loyalty in Brazil. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 18(4), 116–136.


