The 1988 Constitution and humanism: an analysis of the implementation of the principles of the economic order
Federal Constitution, humanism, economic order, human rightsAbstract
Economic science analysts defend that capitalism represents the most appropriate economic system in contemporary times. In Brazil, a historical analysis of capitalist development, from the colonial period to the first republic, offers elements to understand the legal-economic discourse adopted by the country, as will be analysed in this article. It is important to highlight that interpretations regarding the concept of humanism will be addressed in this research with the aim of verifying the implementation of the principles of the economic order. The text addresses the principles contained in article 170 of the Federal Constitution, where legislators enshrined the values of human rights and social justice. From a realistic perspective, the ineffectiveness in promoting social well-being and in the balance between economy and law is evident. In view of this, through the hypothetical deductive method and bibliographical research, it will be clarified that the economic order requires pragmatism that can be achieved through an approach considered humanistic.
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