Critical analysis of the socio-educational measure of internation in cases of serious offenses




socio-educational measure, hospitalization, children and adolescents, legislative reform


The work analyzes the insufficiency of the socio-educational measure of hospitalization in the most serious cases, such as the infraction equated to the crime of intentional homicide and heinous and similar crimes, when committed with violence or serious threat. The objective of the article is to promote an analysis of current socio-educational measures, aiming to update them and make them compatible with the seriousness of the infractions carried out by teenagers. Thus, the article is exploratory in nature, based on a bibliographical review and is developed using the deductive method, based on bibliographical research. Therefore, in the end, given the technological evolution, the acceleration of the development of children and adolescents, as well as the increase in the severity of infractions committed, the necessary reform of the Child and Adolescent Statute is sought to adapt it to the current reality. regarding socio-educational measures.


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Author Biographies

José Fernando Vidal de Souza, Universidade Nove de Julho (Uninove) / São Paulo (SP)

Pós-doutor (CES Universidade de Coimbra e UFSC). Mestre e Doutor em Direito (PUC-SP). Especialista em Ciências Ambientais (USF). Bacharel em Direito e Filosofia (PUCCAMP). Professor do PPDG da UNINOVE. Promotor de Justiça (MPSP).

João Carlos Saud Abdala Filho, Universidade Nove de Julho (Uninove) / São Paulo (SP)

Mestre em Direito (Uninove). Especialista em Direito Processual Civil (UNIDERP). Bacharel em Direito (FDF). Juiz de Direito (TJSP). Ex-Procurador do Município de São Carlos/SP.


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LIBERATI, Wilson Donizeti. Comentários ao Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. 12. ed. São Paulo: Malheiros, 2015.

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How to Cite

VIDAL DE SOUZA, José Fernando; SAUD ABDALA FILHO, João Carlos. Critical analysis of the socio-educational measure of internation in cases of serious offenses. Prisma Juridico, [S. l.], v. 22, n. 2, p. 249–273, 2023. DOI: 10.5585/2023.25381. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 mar. 2025.



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