Criation and meta-authorship
Artificial intelligence, creation, authorship, intellectual property.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the use of new technologies in human creative work and its consequences, especially in the legal meaning. The main objective is to deal with the inclusion of new technologies in the creative process and how to treat the works resulting from the creation carried out by the aforementioned technologies exclusively or in direct association with human performance. In this way, the legal institute of intellectual property will be addressed regarding to the new creative possibilities. The methodology used in the construction of this article was the bibliographic analysis on the central points involving new technologies, creation and copyright, as well as the verification of the legislation related to the subject.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Renan Melo de Sousa, Lorena Tôrres de Arruda, Marcia Cristina de Souza Alvim

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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