The Perception of Generations About Product Innovation: A Study in the North of Rio Grande do Sul


  • Ravena Lopes Gobi de Souza Faculdade Meridional - IMED, Faculdade Meridional - IMED, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil).
  • Sonia Delazari Faculdade Meridional - IMED, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil).
  • Eliana Andréa Severo Faculdade Meridional - IMED, Faculdade Meridional - IMED, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil).



Generation Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y.


In search of competitiveness and   organizational performance the companies list different strategies and organizational objectives, that aimed to attend the needs of the clients. The innovation can be the key of the organizational growth. However, the consumption of innovations is carried out by different generations, which have mental models related to the time they grew up, the knowledge that they acquired and the relationships that they experienced.   In view of the foregoing the purpose of this study is to analyze the perception of the Baby boomers, X and Y generations, about the product innovation. The methodology used was a quantitative and descriptive survey, with 112 respondents from several generations residing in the South of the country. As results, it is highlighted that product innovation is important for the three generations surveyed, but the great difference appeared in the perception of how the technology assists in work and study. Coherently, 50% of the Baby boomers generation emphasize that product innovation does not influence in work and study activities, just as it does not cause interpersonal conflicts.


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Author Biographies

Ravena Lopes Gobi de Souza, Faculdade Meridional - IMED, Faculdade Meridional - IMED, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil).

Mestranda em Administração pela Faculdade Meridional - IMED.

Sonia Delazari, Faculdade Meridional - IMED, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil).

Mestranda em Administração da Faculdade Meridional (IMED).

Eliana Andréa Severo, Faculdade Meridional - IMED, Faculdade Meridional - IMED, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil).

Doutora em Administração pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS. Professora do Mestrado Acadêmico em Administração e da Graduação - IMED.



How to Cite

Souza, R. L. G. de, Delazari, S., & Severo, E. A. (2017). The Perception of Generations About Product Innovation: A Study in the North of Rio Grande do Sul. Revista Inovação, Projetos E Tecnologias, 5(1), 26–44.



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