The implementation of the army project management system (GPEX) under the southern military command




Management, Project, Project management.


This paper deals with the implementation of the Army Project Management System under the Southern Military Command. Such an approach is justified by the need for continuous improvement in Army project management to add agility, efficiency, and new capabilities. The objective of this study is to present an exploratory research on the aspects of the implementation of the Army Project Management System (GPEx) and its current situation. Thus, a literature review and quantitative research were conducted through a questionnaire directed to the scope of the Military Organizations (OM) of the Southern Military Command (CMS) as a sampling universe. The survey showed that approximately 50% of OMs do not yet use the Projects Module and that approximately 65% of OMs use the Management Module. Weaknesses of the system were pointed out, as well as opportunities for improvement, mainly regarding the GPEx graphical interface and the development of operator training activities. It was concluded that, although incipient, the use of GPEx system can be considered as relevant for the activities of the OM.




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Author Biographies

Alexandre Martins da Fonseca, Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas – Unis-MG

Oficial do Exército Brasileiro, pós-graduado em Ciências Militares pela Escola de Aperfeiçoamento de Oficiais e em Administração Pública.

Fabricio Pelloso Piurcosky, Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas – Unis-MG

Pesquisador e Professor do Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas na área de Gestão TI

Rodrigo Franklin Frogeri, Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas – Unis-MG

Professor e Pesquisador do Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas na área de TIC e Gestão do Conhecimento


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How to Cite

Martins da Fonseca, A., Piurcosky, F. P., & Frogeri, R. F. (2021). The implementation of the army project management system (GPEX) under the southern military command. Revista Inovação, Projetos E Tecnologias, 9(1), 76–89.



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