Cultural, methodological and technological challenges of digital transformation: case study in the brazilian bank sector




Digital transformation, Service innovation, Bank, Technical report


This study presents the advances and results obtained by the largest private Brazilian bank regarding its Digital Transformation (DT) process, as well as its cultural, methodological and technological developments. The mentioned process is in line with “agile and customer-centered” value proposition of the bank, with the availability of products and services that fit the needs and desires of the clients, especially through digital channels, to face the innovation challenges brought by digital banks and fintechs. This research is qualitative and exploratory research, describing a case study, which indicated: (1) more developed aspects of this process: client at the center of everything, leadership and Human Capital reinforce the new business model, the entire technology team must be trained and follow the “agile rites and ceremonies”, expansion of investments to remain at the forefront of the market, and an experimental environment for testing hypotheses; (2) less developed aspects: the need to advance communication at different levels and areas and for the dissemination of agility within the organization, leaders from the business areas in the “phase of buying the model”; keep an eye out for smaller and more agile competitors in creating and adopting new technologies. In addition to the theoretical/ methodological contributions to the professional master programs, whose structure is the production of this model of academic work (technical report), this study contributes to management, by presenting the steps followed by a bank and the results obtained in its DT process.




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Author Biography

Ed de Almeida Carlos, Centro Universitário da FEI

Mestre em Gestão de Negócios - FIA

Doutorando em Administração - Centro Universitário da FEI


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How to Cite

Carlos, E. de A. (2020). Cultural, methodological and technological challenges of digital transformation: case study in the brazilian bank sector. Revista Inovação, Projetos E Tecnologias, 8(2), 181–197.



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