Recognition of wastes from value co-creation in industrial services in startups




Value co-creation barriers, Industrial services, Wastes in industrial services, Performance improvement.


Objective of the study: This study aims to identify the wastes from the value co-creation in industrial services in the startups context. In addition, through the dynamic systems approach, to analyze the interaction among the wastes in the startups' value co-creation.

Design/methodology/approach: First, we conducted a systematic literature review based on the Systematic Search Flow method (SSF) and the content analysis following Bardin (2011), then, through the dynamic systems approach, this step, we verify the interaction and behavior among these wastes in the value co-creation context.

Findings: Based on the finds, we recognized six wastes from the value co-creation in startups. We evidenced that waste "Personal Characteristics" was pointed was the greatest impact on co-creation concerning other wastes.

Originality: This is the first paper that recognizes and behavior evaluates the wastes from value cocreation in industrial service based on the dynamic of systems approach for the startups.

Research limitations/implications: The wastes recognized were based on current literature. An empirical test can be a way to identify other wastes and evaluation these finds in the practice.

Practical implications: The listed wastes can serve as a basis to guide strategies for mitigating or eliminating these losses in the value co-creation process in startups. In addition, directing players in decision-making anticipated way from different perspectives to improve collaboration among multiple companies without wastes.

Social implications: Once the value cocreation process is more efficient, the societal can receive more benefits and enhance well-being, through services new or services improved offerings for society via startups.


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Author Biographies

Andrei Bonamigo, Production Engineering- Federal Fluminense University - UFF - Brazil and University of São Paulo - USP - Brazil

Professor and researcher of the Production Engineering Department, Fluminense Federal University (UFF). Doctor in Production Engineering. Post-doctoral candidate in the area linked the Production Engineering, and the Service management - USP - University of São Paulo.  Master of Business Administration. Coordinator of the Studies and Research Group in Service Engineering (GEPES). Address: Department of Production Engineering, School of Industrial, Metallurgical Engineering at Volta Redonda – EEIMVR, Fluminense Federal University, Vila Sta. Cecília, Volta Redonda, RJ, Brazil - Phone +55 (24) 98112-2425

Matheus Antunes Goulart Barbosa, Department of Production Engineering. Fluminense Federal University - UFF

Member of the Service Engineering Studies and Research Group (GEPES) in the Department of Production Engineering. Production Engineering Student. Address: Department of Production Engineering, Volta Redonda Metallurgical Engineering - EEIMVR, Fluminense Federal University, Vila Cecilia, Volta Redonda, RJ, Brazil - Phone +55 (24) 98109-975

Steffan Macali Werner, Department of Production and System Engineering - Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC

Doctor candidate in the Production Engineering Program from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). A master's degree in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2018). Member of the Service Engineering Studies and Research Group (GEPES). Filiation/Address: Department of Production and System Engineering - Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC - Campus Rector John David Ferreira Lima, CEP 88040-900, Trinity Quarter - Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Phone +55 (48) 3721-7101

Herlandí de Souza Andrade, University of São Paulo - USP

A Professor and Researcher at the University of São Paulo (USP). Doctor in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering. Researcher in the field of quality management and strategic planning, strategic and operational management, intellectual property management in a public research institute. Coordinator of the Management, Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Innovation Research Group (GETI) on USP. Filiation/Address: School of Engineering University of São Paulo (Lorena campus). Estrada municipal do Campinho, S/N, Campinho, Lorena/SP - Brazil - Phone +55 (12) 98829-8538 


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How to Cite

Bonamigo, A., Barbosa, M. A. G., Werner, S. M., & Andrade, H. de S. (2022). Recognition of wastes from value co-creation in industrial services in startups. International Journal of Innovation, 10(3), 461–482.



Technology transfer in innovation
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