Scrum and agility beyond it: evidences in the brazilian mining industry




Agility, Scrum, Mining industry, Agile.


According to the 14th State of Agile Report (Versionone, 2020) Agile Project Management (APM) provides positive results for improvement in productivity, alignment, visibility and prioritization of demands. Although it is applied in the software development industry, other sectors seek its adoption in order to obtain the results known by the methodology, such as in the financial, sales, marketing and industry segments. Through a qualitative approach, the present work aimed to understand how the values of the Agile Manifesto and scrum tools could generate positive efficiency results in the routine of a Brazilian mining industry, which was completely unaware of the APM and presented management failures. As a research protocol, the intervention occurred through a training and training program (face-to-face) with 14 employees of the organization from various areas, in which the variation in efficiency gain after the application of APM in the routine was measured. As results, it was possible to observe that there were positive variations in the relationship between people (collaboration), greater proximity of the customer in the process of delivering values (perception of product value), better communication and interactivity between team members, better prioritization of tasks (feasibility), generation of new products (innovation) and the adoption of a retrospective meeting at the end of each delivery cycle as a formal procedure of continuous improvement.

Biografias Autor

Mohamad Ismat Soueid, Fundação Instituto de Administração - FIA

Mestre em Admistraçao, Scrum Master certificado pela Scrum Alliance, Especialista em Direito Civil, Professor, Palestrante e Consultor de Inovação.

Antonio Felipe Cora Martins, FMU - Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas

Mestre em Administracao, Scrum Master certificado pela, Especialista em Gestao de Projetos, Professor, Palestrante e Consultor de Tecnologia e Inovação.


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Como Citar

Soueid, M. I., & Cora Martins, A. F. (2021). Scrum and agility beyond it: evidences in the brazilian mining industry. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 12(1), 123–148.


