Profile of Leadership in Project Management: A Research with Management Professionals


  • Daiane Souza Dias ESAMC
  • Gabriela Perciuncula ESAMC
  • Juliana Maffia ESAMC
  • Pedro Domingos Antoniolli UNIMEP - Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba



Project Management, Project Manager, Leadership, Professional Profile, Projects.


The present paper addresses the issues related to the project manager’s competencies, seeking the main references and, starting from this point, with the objective of tracing these managers profile, identify their main positive competences and pointing the ones to be developed. For this, a primary research questionnaire was built and applied, by the convenience criterion, to professionals of companies of diverse segments, who work with projects. To do so, according to the classification of Marconi and Lakatos (2010), a qualitative and descriptive research was conducted, and technical procedures were applied both to the bibliographic research as well as the survey questionnaire. The questionnaires were sent via Google’s on-line server (Google Forms), and spread through social and prefessionals networking medias. The questions sought to identify Project managers’ age, career positions, training within management area, addressing the skills and competencies identified in the perceptions of the team members. A total of 126 questionnaires were answered, of which 17 were discarded because they did not involve professionals who work with projects. The collected data provided a large amount of information, which enabled the identification of the leader’s profile, his / her outstanding skills, and the need for change, and skills to be developed. The competencies that stand out in these project managers are, according to the perception of their leaders: negotiation skills, decision making, leadership, communication and influence on others. Respondents pointed to motivation, conflict management, team building, leadership and communication as competencies that should be developed by project managers. The article presents, as a structure, an initial contextualization, followed by the methodolog and the literature review. The data was analyzed, with the identification of the most relevant competencies, with the evaluation from the members of the project teams, as well as the skills and abilities that require more training on the competences of the managers.


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How to Cite

Dias, D. S., Perciuncula, G., Maffia, J., & Antoniolli, P. D. (2017). Profile of Leadership in Project Management: A Research with Management Professionals. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 8(1), 72–89.