Project Performance Measurement Dashboard: A Proposal for Research and Development Organization
Performance Indicators, Project Management, Dashboard, Research and Development.Abstract
The research was motivated by the insufficient systematization of operational performance indicators of project monitoring, perceived by the managers of this when confronted with such concept of Terribili (2010), in a research and development (R&D) organization, aiming to present a proposal for a project monitoring dashboard. The project management processes adopted by the organization were studied together with the theoretical survey to identify a set of indicators. The primary data collection was divided in interviews and questionnaires with managers. The interviews presented indicators resulting in a table of indicators. The questionnaires sought to validate the importance given by the managers to the indicators, to identify the level of coverage and form of presentation, resulting in the hierarchy of the indicators. Finally, the information was analyzed against the theory for the creation of project monitoring dashboards. Among the indicators of the theory, already used by the organization and suggested by the interviewees, eight were chosen to compose the dashboard shaped of two screen models: main, with a summary of the situation of all projects, and secondary, with the detailing of the indicators by project. As contributions the highlight is an identification of need for more in-depth study on rework indicators and lessons learned for R&D organization.
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