Project Agile Management for Software Development: A Comparative Study on the Applicability of Scrum Together with PMBOK and / or PRINCE2


  • Letícia Marques Vargas Universidade Federal de Pelotas



Scrum, Agile Software Development, PRINCE2, PMI, Project Management.


The manages software development projects, in constantly changing environments demand the use of flexible methods of project management. Agile methods have emerged as an alternative to traditional approaches to project management, being based on a series of twelve principles is premised on rapid response to development, leaving documentation and nonessential planning in the background. This change in vision popularized different frameworks, all seeking development with quality and speed. Scrum stands out among the agile project managers to have clear language and defined steps of implementation and may be used alone or in conjunction with other methods. In this sense the present study seeks to compare the compatibility between Scrum and two project management methods: PMBOK and PRINCE2. Both methods are originated from the empirical knowledge of numerous project managers, and are intended to be guides to good practice for all kinds of projects, but have quirks that imprison development in the area of information technology. The research has mainly focused on agile management of software development, Scrum being the focal point of analysis.

Author Biography

Letícia Marques Vargas, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Mestranda do Programa de Pós Graduação em Desenvolvimento Territorial e Sistemas AgroIndustriais da Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Bacharel em Administração

Tenóloga em Analise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas

Bacharel em Direito

Técnica em Sistemas de Informação



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How to Cite

Vargas, L. M. (2016). Project Agile Management for Software Development: A Comparative Study on the Applicability of Scrum Together with PMBOK and / or PRINCE2. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 7(3), 48–60.