Assessment of the Adoption of Cmmi Considering Cost of Software Quality


  • Alex Oliveira PUCRRS
  • Maira Petrini PUCRS PPAGD
  • Daniel Lanes Pereira PUCRS PPAGD



Software Quality, Cost of Software Quality, CMMI.


Develop software with quality and acceptable costs it´s a market requirement and premise in IT management on the organizations. Looking for efficiency, the enterprises invest each time more in quality’s process and models such as CMMI. An important tool to drive this investments is COSQ - cost of software quality. This concept is widespread in manufacturing industry, but still have a few papers in IT area. In this context we led a research using the theory of cost of software quality to analyze the results and impacts of implementation of level 2 and 3 from the CCMMI model in an organization of software development. The methodology adopted was a case study, the data were collected and organized in categories and a comparative analyses was made. The results shown cost reduction in projects of great size, however it is not happens in small projects. Also, the results pointed out the difficulty in register and maintenance of the category’s cost. 


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A., Petrini, M., & Pereira, D. L. (2015). Assessment of the Adoption of Cmmi Considering Cost of Software Quality. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 6(1), 45–62.