Benefits Achieved Through a Model of Agile Project Management in an Electronic Game Company
Gestão de Projetos, Gestão Ágil de Projetos, SCRUM, Jogos Eletrônicos.Abstract
This study aims to present the alignment between agile project management practices and game development, from a case study. To answer the issues addressed, this paper described the life cycle of construction of the games produced by the studied object. Could be seen through the case that the achievement of agility comes from the commitment of the team, management, customer and sponsors with project success. There isn´t a solution for agile management that can be prescribed, however, the search result indicated that there is an alignment between the building and responsive game management model games.
The theoretical framework provides a perspective to guide the management of agile projects and the major contribution of the work was to have merged the themes of game development and agile project management.
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