Risk Management in Projects: A Comparative Analysis of Standard Iso 31000 and Pmbok Guide®, 2012.
, Projetos. Gestão de Riscos. ISO 31000. PMBOK/PMI®, 2012.Abstract
This paper presents a detailed study and review of expert authors to evaluate and compare two methodologies available for risk management: the NBR ISO 31000 and the PMBOK ® guide, 2012.The research methodology is descriptive and qualitative, that allows interpreting the information collected subjectively. The research strategy of this article is to analyze the two models through a bibliographic review on the topic. In this context, the paper proposes the study of project concepts, project management, risk and risk management, through the comparative analysis between the two management models, to identify similarities and/or differences in the structure, processes and methodologies resulting in confirmation that the NBR ISO 31000 and the PMBOK / PMI ®, 2012, could be adapted for use in the risks management in projects.
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