The Process of Communication in Project Profisco / Rn


  • Marconi Brasil Soares de Souza
  • Adriano Almeida Rodrigues



Communication, Project Management, PROFISCO/RN.INTRODUÇÃO


This paper discusses the process of communication in PROFISCO / RN, emphasizing the importance of project management and implementation of this tool in public administration. Aimed to identify the process of communication that exist in project PROFISCO / RN and analyze the communication plan to be applied. In a descriptive approach based on bibliographic material, introduces concepts inherent in project management and communication, while seeking practical application from the observation of a particular case in RN. Managing Project Communications refers to the processes required to ensure that the information is generated and distributed in a timely and appropriate. The communication plan for a project plays a key role in monitoring the actions taken on the project to achieve its objectives. The PROFISCO / RN presents the stage of imminent execution, based on the action planning and financial programming specified. The researchers realize the absence of a formal communication plan, although implicit communication actions to be taken during the execution of the project. The authors identified stakeholders in the project and drafted a proposal for a formal communication plan, in the form of a matrix of communication, associating the communication mechanisms most appropriate for each stakeholder in PROFISCO / RN. Finally, the authors reported the importance of the study, the explicit formal communication plan, including how to identify the level of influence of each actor in this project.


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How to Cite

Souza, M. B. S. de, & Rodrigues, A. A. (2012). The Process of Communication in Project Profisco / Rn. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 3(3), 88–108.