Strategies for Utilization Google Code Technology in Agile Project Management
Project Management Software, Management Project and Google Code.Abstract
Project management (PM) of innovation products is characterized by uncertainty and collaborationbetween different teams. There are discussions about the utilization of current PM software and apossible solution is to explore de concept of Cloud Computing. For exemple are GoogleSpreadsheet e Google Calendar. The theme is investigated with strategies evaluation dates ofprogramming project, between an application in JAVA developing by researches and Googleapplication using the Google Codes API´s. The article describes the applications Google Gadgets,Google Spreadsheet, Google Calendar and Google Apps Script, indentifying the possible strategiesfor integration with a PM solution. The results are proven to developing prototype and discussionabout the news features for future application. The article illustrates and compares the Googletechnologies describing the potential for a development a agile project management application.The final results show that the best strategies would be to use Google Calendar interaction with aPM tool and indicates future research to create a complete solution based on the theme.References
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