Future perspectives for project management and its relationship with the sustainability of organizations
Diversity, Project Management, Ageism, Global Risks, SustainabilityAbstract
The purpose of this article, carried out using secondary data, is to identify the most relevant visions of the future regarding project management and its relationship with organizational sustainability. Characterizing the moment as turbulent is an understatement to say the least, and for many, we are living in the face of a progressive degradation of the social fabric, managing a huge wicked problem. We are currently living with the remnants of a pandemic, with a war with nuclear potential, various problems in global supply, producing food insecurity, misery, and all kinds of possible crises, in addition to the omission on climate issues. From there, we will explore five future perspectives for project management: (i) a cloudy and turbulent future (ii) a technological and disruptive future, (iii) a future full of new skills, (iv) a future to build sustainability and (v) a challenging future for diversity.
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