Management of engineering project teams in matrix structure organization




Team management, resource allocation, Feedback. Engagement, Servant leadership, Integration, Project teams, Matrix structure.


The objective of this work was to identify and propose integrated solutions for the main problems related to team management in an engineering project consulting organization with a matrix structure. A case study was developed in an organization that included document analysis and participatory observation of three projects developed with shared teams. In addition, a questionnaire was applied to part of the members of the engineering and projects department. The perception of those directly involved in project development on some aspects of team management was observed: functioning of the matrix structure, allocation of resources, management and functioning of teams, training and lessons learned. It was found that the organization has characteristics of the three types of matrix structures: weak, moderate and strong. Several team management problems in these structures were observed: conflict over resources, double subordination, low engagement, difficulties in allocation and team development. The main integrated solutions were related to leveling knowledge about the structure and its functioning, managing the engagement of those involved, increasing integration between project and functional teams, providing feedback and recording lessons learned in projects, in addition to indicating the server profile for members of the project management team.


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How to Cite

Bezerra Batista, P. I., Toshio Yugue, R., & Aquino Rocha, J. H. (2023). Management of engineering project teams in matrix structure organization. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 14(1), 66–95.