The Lean Office methodology applied in project management
Lean Office, Project management, Management, Industry, Value stream mapping.Abstract
This technical report describes the implementation of the Lean Office methodology as a process optimization strategy in project management of the Industriallie System. The Lean Office methodology uses the already recognized precepts of Lean Manufacturing applied in an administrative environment with specific characteristics. Widely spread in manufacturing processes, it becomes a challenge to optimize processes and reduce waste in administrative areas, where the tangibility of these tasks is even more complex. The methodology was applied in one of the management's strategic programs, with extensive operations in the state and high complexity of information flow. The work included tools such as the Pareto Principle and Value Stream Mapping for prioritization and decision making regarding the adjustments to be made, with senior management, definition of the implementation team, definition of activities that add and do not add value, study of Lean concepts and tools, construction of the map as a visual representation using a set of icons, leadership of metrics, development of continuous improvement, understanding of demands, creation of action plans and implementation of improvements. The results achieved promoted the reduction of bureaucracy and the exclusion of low value-added activities, leading to customers and greater agility in their performance.
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