A proposal for integration between strategic planning and project management: approaching an automated visual method





Strategic planning, Project management, Visual models, Integration


Currently organizations have an increasing need to obtain technologies that facilitate the achievement of their objectives and goals of organizations and these have sought to apply new management methods to add value to the business. In this context, the objective of this work is to propose a visual and automated method capable of providing the integration between Strategic Planning and Project Management. To this end, studies were sought in the literature to identify visual models of these two management areas, as well as methods to integrate them. After analyzing the studies found, a new canvas model was created for Strategic Planning, the Operational Planning Canvas, and for Project Management, the canvas model already consolidated in the literature, the Project Model Canvas, was selected. For the elaboration of the automated method, a software product capable of integrating these two canvas models was developed. Finally, the product was evaluated by a group of managers and the results obtained confirmed the importance of integration between the two areas of organizational management, and proved the practicality and effectiveness of the proposed method. As managerial contributions, it was concluded that the proposed method is capable of allowing an alignment between the strategic plan and the project plans of an organization quickly and efficiently, allowing a traceability between the two areas of management.

Author Biographies

Leonardo Barroso da Silva, Instituto Federal Fluminense – IFFluminense

Mestre em Sistemas Aplicados à Engenharia e Gestão - IFF

Rafaella V. S. de Araújo Nogueira, Instituto Federal Fluminense – IFFluminense

Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação - IFF

Pós-Graduanda em Gestão de Projetos - UCAM

Simone Vasconcelos Silva, Instituto Federal Fluminense – IFFluminense

Doutora em Computação pela UFF

Professora Titular do IFF

Bolsista DT do CNPq


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How to Cite

Barroso da Silva, L., V. S. de Araújo Nogueira, R., & Vasconcelos Silva, S. (2022). A proposal for integration between strategic planning and project management: approaching an automated visual method. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 13(2), 116–142. https://doi.org/10.5585/gep.v13i2.22095