Communication management in IT projects
Communication management, IT projects, Interaction between IT and users.Abstract
Communication management is present in all types of projects, however, in systemic improvement projects in which the interaction between IT staff and users is essential, there is a gap in which communication does not always occur with clarity and understanding. mutual. Thus, the objective of this article was to identify the most common techniques and best practices recommended for communication management that collaborate in increasing synergy in IT projects with an emphasis on systemic improvement. For this purpose, a quantitative study combined with a qualitative study was adopted. A survey was published on social networks, seeking the collaboration of professionals involved in IT projects, in the areas of development, usability or project management. Valid data were collected from 56 respondents. Some of these respondents, in view of the observations expressed in the open fields of the survey, were selected for a later stage of a semi-structured interview, aiming to deepen their perceptions of the main insights obtained in the sample. The results achieved indicate that the main barriers in communication in IT projects are: culture shock, translated into incompatible language between IT and users and the lack of empathy between them, for not understanding their respective difficulties. Additionally, they confirm that communication with good interaction between IT and users is a decisive factor for the success of systemic improvement projects and that the main practices that corroborate the success of this interaction are: the elaboration of a formal communication plan combined with the language adequacy where necessary.
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