A study on the guiding principles of project management lifecycle
Project management, Project lifecycle, Phases of project, Life cycle canvas.Abstract
The present article aimed to determine the extent to which the relevant literature has addressed the topic of guiding principles within life cycle models, especially between project life cycle stages transitions. The work is an exploratory-descriptive research: It embarked on systematic literature review of relevant articles concerning project life cycle management focusing on its guiding principles. Scopus/Embase and Web of Science were initially revised on 14/09/2020 for articles up to ten years old, and on 28/09/2020 without establishing date restrictions. 46 articles were selected and later analysed in their entirety. As main its results, the authors noticed that there are no systematic studies in the specialized literature on the guiding principles for stage transitions in the life cycle of projects, that is, apart from the strict checklist approach on artifacts and performance indicators, no specific trigger was found between phases or, leastwise, a structured concern about this topic. Hence, given not only the lack of relevant research on the subject as well as the need to further explore options regarding guiding principles on project life cycle, the authors propose the utilization of the Life Cycle Canvas as a tool to fill this gap, given that it is seamlessly integrated to the set of areas or stages on project management life cycle, offering several key points to address the complexities and contingencies of increasingly convoluted projects, organizations and markets, thus contributing to the specialised literature whilst open a venue for future research.
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