Adaptive project management: a survey of the most used artifacts to manage the project scope


  • Ivete Rodrigues Faculdade FIA de Administração e Negócios
  • Danilo Rabetti Faculdade FIA de Administração e Negócios



Project management, Agile methodology, Predictive methodology, Project complexity, Adaptive project management, Hybrid project management, Scope project management.


The paper objectives are (a) to map the scope management artifacts recommended by predictive and agile methods; (b) verify which of them have been used by project managers and their organizations; and c) identify and analyze the use of the adaptive project management approach according to the project complexity. Based on the literature review, a set of traditional and agile artifacts for project scope management was consolidated. Then, the survey method was used to verify which artifacts are most used by project managers in view of the complexity of the projects. The results showed that the majority of project managers still do not have flexibility in choosing the artifacts used in the projects. Predictive artifacts are the most used, but there are indications that companies are beginning to migrate to an adaptive approach. The study offers an academic contribution to the consolidation of the artifacts available for managing the scope of a project, both in the traditional and in the agile methodologies. It also contributes to analyses the artifacts that are actually in use, in order to better understand how the choice of artifacts is made, regardless of unique methodological approaches. In terms of managerial implications, the results may contribute to the companies' practice, helping them to decide on the use of techniques and artifacts for scope management in both approaches, avoiding using the agile methodologies indiscriminately or remaining rooted in the controls and plans of traditional methodologies.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, I., & Rabetti, D. (2021). Adaptive project management: a survey of the most used artifacts to manage the project scope. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 12(1), 95–122.


