Completing Metadata

Completing the metadata directly reflects the citations of the articles, authors and the journal.
The zeal, attention and care when filling out will provide robust, quality metadata with a direct impact on indexing and citation, which will remain consistent.
Our team reviews the metadata before publication but the responsibility lies with the authors.
After publication and deposit of the DOI, indexing and citation will be in accordance with what is stated in the metadata.

When filling out the metadata in the submission, pay attention to the following items:

  • Do not use capital letters;
  • Provide the full name of all authors; include only the name, without including title or form of address;
  • Field How would you like to be called: do not fill in;
  • Name field: insert the entire First Name, and in the Last Name field only the last one, in order to avoid the citation being wrong;
  • Institution/Affiliation Field: Include the full name of the institution with the acronym, followed by a comma, the name of the city, and the state abbreviation. If the author is not affiliated with an educational institution, include the name of the affiliation, along with the city and state. Example: Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), São Paulo (SP);
  • Country field: fill in;
  • ORCID Field: Include the ORCID URL – it is mandatory for all authors – the URL must include the 's' in 'https'; OJS does not accept publication without it – example:
  • Url field: include the shortest url of the Lattes CV;
  • Biography Summary field: the Lattes platform biography or titles can be used in descending order – from highest to lowest;
  • References field: insert all formatted references, with a line space between them;
  • Title / Subtitle field: do not use capital letters;
  • Keywords field: for each word typed, press enter and insert the next one. We recommend using a controlled vocabulary, such as from the National Library, and the DECs for the health area.

Some forms of completion that negatively impact the quality of articles after publication:

  • Abbreviated authors’ names;
  • Names of institutions only in abbreviated format;
  • Lack of ORCID;
  • Name of titles with wrong letters, missing letters and capital letters;
  • Unchecked summaries for typos and language errors;
  • References without formatting or using signs such as < >;
  • Filling in the wrong fields, for example: name field, it's just the name, it doesn't add title or form of address here, for example: Mr., Dr., Ms.

Submissions with incompletely filled data will be archived.