Wind Energy in the Backyard of our House?! Environmental Perception of Social and Environmental Impacts in the Installation and Operation of a Plant in the Community of the Site in Cumbe Aracati-CE


  • Roseilda Nunes Moreira Faculdade 7 de Setembro
  • Francisco Antonio Barbosa Vidal Instituto Federal do Ceará - IFCE
  • Andson Freitas Viana FAMETRO
  • Daniele Adelaide Brandão de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Ceará



Wind Energy, Environmental Impacts, Environmental Perception and Sustainability.


This theoretical and empirical study aimed to understand the perception that local people have about the environmental impacts caused by the installation and operation of an eolic enterprise in the surrounding community. The study of environmental perception is crucial for us to better understand the interrelationships between man and the environment, expectations, desires, satisfactions and dissatisfactions, judgments and behaviors. The spatial area adopted for the study is the community of Cumbe in Aracati / CE for its geomorphologic and climatologic presented sufficient conditions for the installation and use of wind energy in order to change the energy matrix of the municipality. This research is exploratory and descriptive design literature and case study, where to collect the data were collected through interviews with open questions to a group of residents near the eolic enterprise investigated and a prosecutor's Aracati. In the field research, we investigated the environmental impacts caused by the eolic plant, the level of understanding in the community about wind energy and the enterprise's contribution to community development, among other issues.


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Author Biographies

Roseilda Nunes Moreira, Faculdade 7 de Setembro

Administradora pela Universidade Federal do Ceará – UFC. Especialista em Gestão Estratégica de Marketing – FGV. Mestre em Administração pela UNIFOR. Professora da Faculdade 7 de Setembro – FA7. Professora de Pós-graduação na FA7 e UECE.

Francisco Antonio Barbosa Vidal, Instituto Federal do Ceará - IFCE

Administrador pela UFC. Especialista em Gestão pela UECE. Mestre em Administração pela UNIFOR. Professor do IFCE.

Andson Freitas Viana, FAMETRO

Administrador pela FACE. Especialista em Controladoria pela UFC. Mestre em Economia com foco em Finanças pelo CAEN-UFC. Professor da FAMETRO e Analista de Controladoria da CAMED.

Daniele Adelaide Brandão de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Administradora pela Faculdade CHRISTUS. Especialista em Gestão de Negócios pela Estácio/FIC. Mestranda em Administração e Controlodoria pela UFC. Executiva de Contas da CAMED.



How to Cite

Moreira, R. N., Vidal, F. A. B., Viana, A. F., & Oliveira, D. A. B. de. (2013). Wind Energy in the Backyard of our House?! Environmental Perception of Social and Environmental Impacts in the Installation and Operation of a Plant in the Community of the Site in Cumbe Aracati-CE. Revista De Gestão Ambiental E Sustentabilidade, 2(1), 45–73.


