Evaluation of solid waste management in the Municipality of Guarujá - SP:

a performance analysis between the years 2017 and 2021





Solid Waste, Municipal Management, Integrated management, Municipality of Guaruja


Objective: The evaluation of solid waste management in a municipality is a powerful tool for assessing the efficiency of implemented projects and the execution of activities carried out by managers and other stakeholders. In this regard, this study analyzed the actions of the Municipal Government of Guarujá between the years 2017 and 2021, according to the Regional Plan for Integrated Solid Waste Management of Santos Area Lowlands. Methodology: The present research was conducted using a qualitative approach through document analysis. Information was collected directly from the Department of Environment (SEMAM) and the Department of Urban Services (SEURB) of the Guarujá Municipality. The collected data were analyzed in accordance with the selected bibliographic references and concerning the conclusions drawn for each identified action. Originality/Relevance: This research proposes an innovative approach in studying solid waste management in Guarujá, with a focus on the Regional Plan. Emphasis is given to the importance of integrated management, as well as the need to review the strategies adopted by the municipality, providing an original perspective on the matter. Key Findings: The main results of this study are the significant advancements made by the municipality of Guarujá about planning and implementing public policies to enable solid waste management within its territory. Contributions: Moreover this study points flaws in current legislation and emphasizes the importance of creating Regionalized Solid Waste Units to ensure the effectiveness of regional plans. Consequently, the findings obtained from this research constitute scientific contributions aimed at driving the implementation of more effective and sustainable public policies in the field of solid waste management.


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Author Biographies

Sidnei Aranha, Federal University of São Paulo - Baixada Santista Campus

Federal University of São Paulo - Baixada Santista Campus / Santos (SP) – Brazil. PhD candidate in the Biotechnology Graduate Program affiliated with the Federal University of São Paulo - Baixada Santista Campus.

Caio Fernando Fontana, Federal University of São Paulo - Baixada Santista Campus

Federal University of São Paulo - Baixada Santista Campus / Santos (SP) - Brazil. Associate Professor at the Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP, specializing in Port Engineering with a focus on Port Business Management and Logistics. Additionally, I serve as a postgraduate professor in Bioproducts and Bioprocesses.

Luciana Pranzetti Barreira, The Foundation School of Sociology and Politics of São Paulo (FESPSP)

The Foundation School of Sociology and Politics of São Paulo (FESPSP) / São Paulo (SP) – Brazil. Professor, Researcher, and Technical Project Coordinator at the Foundation School of Sociology and Politics of São Paulo (FESPSP), and I oversee the Center for Socio-environmental Studies and Research at the institution.

Leonardo Ferreira da Silva, Presbyterian Mackenzie University

Ph.D student in Architecture and Urbanism at the Presbyterian University Mackenzie, specializing in the research field of Modern and Contemporary Urbanism: Representation and Intervention.


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How to Cite

Aranha, S., Fernando Fontana, C., Pranzetti Barreira, L., & Silva, L. F. da. (2023). Evaluation of solid waste management in the Municipality of Guarujá - SP: : a performance analysis between the years 2017 and 2021. Revista De Gestão Ambiental E Sustentabilidade, 12(1), e25355. https://doi.org/10.5585/2023.25355