Identification of Ecosystem Services as a tool to promote environmental management of a natural park in the municipality of Natal/RN




identification, ecosystem services, Dom Nivaldo Monte City Park, environmental management


Objective: To identify the Ecosystem Services of an urban natural park as a way of assisting in the environmental management of the area.

Methodology: The identification was carried out in Dom Nivaldo Monte City Park, based on the Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services, through a review of the bibliography and face-to-face visits. Finally, a review of the Management Plan was carried out to identify how the results of the work could assist in decision-making aimed at its effective conservation.

Originality/Relevance: The Park does not have any relevant studies related to the topic, mainly as a tool that can assist in local management. Furthermore, the work becomes relevant when it is intended to present decision-makers with information about the benefits of their ecosystems with a view to the correct application of resources and, therefore, their conservation.

Results: 26 Ecosystem Services were found that are fundamental to its sustainability, in addition to serving as a contribution so that park users understand it, in fact, as a conservation unit and not just a place for leisure and sport.

Social contributions/to management: Work tends to be a guide regarding the distribution of resources, based on the urgency with which they must be invested or the type of intervention to be carried out.


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Author Biographies

Cynthia Valéria Barbosa Gomes Lobato, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

Master. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte – Brazil

Maxwell Ferreira Lobato, Federal Rural University of Semi-Árido

Doctor. Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region – UFERSA. Angicos, Rio Grande do Norte – Brazil


Diógenes Félix da Silva Costa, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

Doctor. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte – Brazil


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How to Cite

Lobato, C. V. B. G., Lobato, M. F., & Costa, D. F. da S. (2024). Identification of Ecosystem Services as a tool to promote environmental management of a natural park in the municipality of Natal/RN. Revista De Gestão Ambiental E Sustentabilidade, 13(1), e25219.