The community as a perspective of reterritorialization




Regional Development, Public policy, Sustainability


Objective: to point out the consequences of urban growth on rural territory in the face of climate change.

Methodology: theoretical essay with a systemic approach, presenting, as a basis, the geophilosophical readings of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, through the method of social cartography. The essay dialogues with urban growth, with the urbanization process and the suppression of rice cultivation that is taking place in the town of Massaranduba, Santa Catarina.

Originality/Relevance: a theoretical reflection is carried out that contributes to the analysis of the urban expansion movement, which, based on the case of Massaranduba, becomes an analysis tool for any other instance.

Results: in a pessimistic scenario, occupation without adequate urban planning will cause numerous problems, such as population concentration; the systemic transformation in rural areas, and in the face of climate change, the potential for disasters. As a path of transformation in a more optimistic scenario, the need to mobilize public policies of popular participation is pointed out as an itinerary.

Social / management contributions: as a way of transformation, in a more optimistic scenario, the need to mobilize public policies of popular participation is pointed out.


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Author Biography

Albio Fabian Melchioretto, Universidade Regional de Blumenau/Faculdade SENAC Blumenau

Ph.D. in Regional Development from the Graduate Program in Regional Development, Regional University of Blumenau (2023); Master's in Education from the Regional University of Blumenau (2016), with a postgraduate “lato senso” in Media and Education (Federal University of Rio Grande, 2012); Philosophy (Regional University of Blumenau, 2010) and School Management (SENAC Florianópolis, 2007); graduated in Philosophy from the University Center of Brusque (2006) and Geography from Cruzeiro do Sul University, 2023. Currently, a research professor affiliated with Faculdade SENAC Blumenau and the lead researcher of the ELO Group (Research Group at Faculdade SENAC Blumenau.


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How to Cite

Melchioretto, A. F. (2023). The community as a perspective of reterritorialization. Revista De Gestão Ambiental E Sustentabilidade, 12(2), e23752.



Mudanças climáticas e planejamento urbano: cenários e desafios