Integration of Environmental Impact Study and GRI reports concerning the Sustainable Development Goals


  • Sara Coimbra da Silva Nove de Julho University / São Paulo, SP
  • Amarilis Lucia Casteli Figueiredo Gallardo Nove de Julho University / São Paulo, SP



environmental impact assessment, environmental impact study, Sustainable Development Goals, sustainability reports, GRI


Objective: Developing a model to verify the integration of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the planning to the operation of a project.

Methodology: Developing a model for integrating EIS and GRI with the SDGs, based on Boess et al. (2021), in a qualitative case study approach of a company that labels itself as sustainable. A documentary analysis was carried out of a historical series of institutional GRI reports, published in accordance with the GRI Standard Essential version, and the EIS of the company's largest unit.

Originality/Relevance: The EIS is the most used environmental planning instrument in the world, while the GRI, published voluntarily and popular in the operation of projects, reports and directs companies to adopt sustainable material themes relevant to their area of activity. Although the SDGs reflect the urgent challenges of the global community and are highlighted in the media, reports of the integration of the SDGs into the EIS and this instrument into the GRI are scarce. This model is expected to assist in the development of new EIS and GRI so that they are oriented towards compliance with the SDGs and fulfill the role of private and public initiatives in promoting sustainability.

Results: It was possible to demonstrate the applicability of the analysis model for integrating the EIS and GRI with the SDGs, which can be adopted for designing EIS and GRI aimed at SDG goals in other industries and contexts. For the case under analysis, we identified the convergence and divergence in the adoption of the SDGs from the planning to the operation of the industry, revealing positive aspects and points to improve.

Social Contributions: This study allowed concluding how two instruments for integrating environmental issues and decision-making in the planning cycle, widely used throughout the world, can be used strategically for generating EIS and GRIs that go beyond regulatory and legal compliance. The adoption of this model allows planning and operating projects to be directed towards compliance with the SDGs, a global pact, incorporating sustainability into development and into the well-being of society.


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Author Biographies

Sara Coimbra da Silva, Nove de Julho University / São Paulo, SP

Master of Smart and Sustainable Cities. Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE)

Amarilis Lucia Casteli Figueiredo Gallardo, Nove de Julho University / São Paulo, SP

Post-doctorate in Environmental Sciences. Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE. Universidade de São Paulo – Escola Politécnica. São Paulo, São Paulo


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How to Cite

Silva, S. C. da, & Gallardo, A. L. C. F. (2024). Integration of Environmental Impact Study and GRI reports concerning the Sustainable Development Goals. Revista De Gestão Ambiental E Sustentabilidade, 13(1), e23395.