Intermediaries of transition to sustainability: influences and perspectives
Systemic approach, Sociotechnical transitions, Sustainable development, Transition intermediaries.Abstract
Objective: This investigation aimed to understand the role of intermediaries in the socio-technical transitions toward sustainability, according to the literature from 2010 to 2022.
Methodology: For this, a systematic literature review was carried out from the Methodi Ordinatio, which resulted in an analysis of 42 papers considered most relevant according to the topic addressed.
Originality/Relevance: Transitions to sustainability and intermediaries are configured as an emerging field of research. This study is, therefore, relevant in identifying advances in scientific production, highlighting intrinsic aspects of the subject, as well as gaps for future research.
Results: Based on the characterization of the studies, the results show growth in the publications in recent years, with the largest expansion from 2018. The greatest focus was empirical studies, especially regarding sustainable transitions in the energy sector, followed by the industrial, agricultural, mobility and transportation, and civil construction sectors. Moreover, we found that intermediary actors may contribute to sustainability transitions in several ways. They perform roles in supporting innovation, financing projects, managing networks, mobilizing resources, transferring technology, aligning goals, and supporting the implementation and renewal of policies, for instance.
Social contributions to management: Understanding the process in which intermediaries are configured in the transitions to sustainability is essential to understand the changes of an environmental, social and economic nature in the most diverse sectors in contemporary times.
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