Analysis of the distribution of work teams in construction: a case study


  • Vanessa Ribeiro Campos Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Manuel Feitosa Azevedo SIPPRO ENGENHARIA



Buildings. Line balancing. Production planning.


The construction of buildings is characterized by high costs and limited financial resources; therefore, it is imperative to analyze planning and production control processes. It is important to guarantee an efficient methodology of production planning to ensure the effective use of resources. Line balancing allows the improvement of work schedules and a better visualization of all activities, thus ensuring workflow continuity. We conducted a case study in a building with multiple stories in order to analyze the production and the distribution of work teams using the line balancing method and flowcharts. The results showed there was a continuous flux of activities and better use of manpower with the proposed planning. The search tools allowed an efficient allocation of work teams in order to avoid discontinuity in the analyzed building. 


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Author Biographies

Vanessa Ribeiro Campos, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil: Estruturas e Construção Civil da UFC. Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção (USP). Mestrado em Eng. Produção (UFPE). Graduada em Engenharia Civil (UFC) e Administração (UECE).

Manuel Feitosa Azevedo, SIPPRO ENGENHARIA

Engenheiro Civil pela Universidade Federal do Ceará. Coordenador de Planejamento da SIPPRO Engenharia.



How to Cite

Campos, V. R., & Azevedo, M. F. (2016). Analysis of the distribution of work teams in construction: a case study. Exacta, 14(3), 339–352.