Isomorphism and sustainability: an analysis in companies of the Brazilian electric sector
Electric sector. Institutional theory. Isomorphism. Sustainability. Report.Abstract
According to institutional theory, organizations tend to use procedures and models of other organizations that are already institutionalized in a given field, resulting in isomorphic characteristics. This theme is commonly seen in situations involving sustainable business practices, and some companies have tried adapting their interests to balance economic, social, and environmental factors. Given this scenario, the objective of this study was to analyze how the isomorphism occurs by examining sustainability reports of electric power companies that comprise the electric sector. We used a qualitative approach and conducted a descriptive study through document analysis of such reports for the period of 2011 to 2014. The results drawn from the reports of the ten companies analyzed reveal the presence of coercive and normative isomorphism due to formal and informal pressures and the need felt by these companies for their professionalization.Downloads
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How to Cite
Silva, N. E. F., Coelho, P. F. da C., & Cavalcante, C. E. (2016). Isomorphism and sustainability: an analysis in companies of the Brazilian electric sector. Exacta, 14(2), 251–268.
- Abstract 169
- PDF (Português (Brasil)) 357