Digital fabrication of physical models: tangibility in design process in Architecture


  • Wilson Florio Mackenzie / Unicamp
  • Ana Tagliari Doutoranda FAUUSP / Professora Uninove



Fabricação Digital, Maquete, Processo de Projeto, Corte a laser, Tangibilidade


In this article two different types of experiments are discussed. In the first one we have a 3D digital model transformed into 2D surfaces by the “unfolding” technique, printed and manually assembled. In the second one, some experiments were made using the Universal Laser Cutter Systems. The aim is to discuss the role of the physical artifacts during the process of understanding complex forms and spaces, and to pursuit more efficient ways to improve the design process. The results until the present moment allow to confirm that, although the limitations in its fabrication, the models created by the laser cutter substantially contribute to improve the comprehension of projects, particularly constructive details, which allows to materialize and analysis details, decomposing and recomposing the object two and three-dimensionally. The restrictions which were observed are related to the scale of the artifact, the two-dimensionality of the drawings and the cutting area dimensions.


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Author Biographies

Wilson Florio, Mackenzie / Unicamp

Arquiteto (FAU Mackenzie, 1986), Doutor em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAUUSP, 2005), Professor de Projeto e de Computação Gráfica nas Faculdades de Arquitetura e Urbanismo Mackenzie e Unicamp. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa "Arquitetura, Processo de Projeto e Análise Digital". Autor de livros e artigos sobre arquitetura contemporânea, processo de projeto, criatividade e cognição.

Ana Tagliari, Doutoranda FAUUSP / Professora Uninove

Arquiteto e Urbanista (FAU MACK 2002), Mestre (IA UNICAMP 2008), Doutoranda FAUUSP e Professora de Projeto e de Representação do Departamento de Exatas da Universidade Nove de Julho. Integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa "Arquitetura, Processo de Projeto e Análise Digital", FAU Mackenzie.



How to Cite

Florio, W., & Tagliari, A. (2011). Digital fabrication of physical models: tangibility in design process in Architecture. Exacta, 9(1), 125–136.