Level of digital maturity in companies in Pernambucanas





digital transformation, technology, digital maturity level


Digital transformation (TD), considered a trend for many companies, has become fundamental to its survival, given the need to provide rapid responses to market demands.  In this sense, it is necessary to understand how companies are responding to the changes resulting from the use of technology in their processes. Thus, this research aims to identify the level of digital maturity of Pernambuco companies, from the CESAR index (2021) of digital transformation (ICTd). This is research of quantitative and descriptive nature, operationalized through a survey with 32 companies. Considering that this research was carried out in a context whose impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic can be seen throughout society, additionally, questions were made regarding these impacts on companies. The results show that all of them felt the effects of the pandemic, and that 71.9% of them were more likely to invest in innovation to accelerate their digital transformation, considering that through technology it will be possible to increase efficiency and productivity, identify opportunities to create more value and new business models and fundamentally transform their processes.  Specifically in relation to the level of maturity, it is verified that 65.6% of them are in the stage of digital maturity, 25% in development stage and 9.4% at an early stage, that is, these companies do not have knowledge about the Process of DT or know whether they know it do not understand it. The importance of these results lies in the fact that mappings of this nature enable the definition of courses of action so that companies can move to the adoption of practices made possible by the use of technology, with a view to improvements in the results of their business.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Alan Gomes da Silva, Universidade de Pernambuco / Recife - PE

Graduado em Administração - UPE

Fagner José Coutinho de Melo, Universidade de Pernambuco / Recife, PE - Brazil

Professor Assistente - UPE. Doutor em Engenharia da Produção (UFPE), Mestre em Engenharia da Produção pela Universidade Federal do Pernambuco – UFPE, Pós-graduado em Gestão da Qualidade e Produtividade pela Faculdade dos Guararapes, Graduado em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE.

Eryka Fernanda Miranda Sobral, Universidade de Pernambuco / Recife, PE - Brazil

Professora da Universidade de pernambuco

Bartira Pereira Amorim, Universidade de Pernambuco / Recife, PE - Brazil

Professora da Universidade de Pernambuco

Djalma Silva Guimarães Junior, Universidade de Pernambuco / Recife, PE - Brazil

Professor da Universidade de Pernambuco

Silvio Vital, Universidade de Pernambuco / Recife, PE - Brasil

Mestrando em inovação na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


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How to Cite

Silva, A. A. G. da, Melo, F. J. C. de, Sobral, E. F. M., Amorim, B. P., Guimarães Junior, D. S., & Vital, S. (2023). Level of digital maturity in companies in Pernambucanas. Exacta, 22(4), 1278–1305. https://doi.org/10.5585/2023.22674
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  • pdf (Português (Brasil)) 36

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