Processing and avaluation of the stability of the green banana flour


  • Joice C. Santos UFS
  • Gabriel F. Silva DEQ
  • João A. B. Santos MARATÁ SUCOS
  • Antonio M. Oliveira Júnior UFS



Armazenamento. Atividade de água. Banana.


The objective of this work was to produce and evaluate the stability of green banana flour during 90 days of storage at 26ºC as an option in the use of surplus production contributes to the waste minimization. The samples had been stored in polyethylene teraftalato (PET) paking, capacity 300g. It was done two kinds of evaluation which were: analytic determinations (moisture, water activity, pH, acidity, proteins, lipids, ash and carbohydrates) and microbiological analysis, in the day of the processing and during the period of storage, with interval of 30 days. According to the results obtained, few alterations occurred during the storage, being the acidity, water activity and moisture, the most affected characteristics.


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Author Biographies

Joice C. Santos, UFS

NUCTA- Núcleo de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos

Gabriel F. Silva, DEQ

DEQ- Departamento de Engenharia Química

João A. B. Santos, MARATÁ SUCOS

Maratá Sucos, Rodovia Br 101 Km 150, Av. João de Lima da Silveira s/n, CEP49200-000, Estância-SE

Antonio M. Oliveira Júnior, UFS

NUCTA- Núcleo de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos



How to Cite

Santos, J. C., Silva, G. F., Santos, J. A. B., & Oliveira Júnior, A. M. (2010). Processing and avaluation of the stability of the green banana flour. Exacta, 8(2), 219–224.