Influence of priorization of less polluting vehicles on fleet fuel expenses
Green Logistics, Carbon Footprint, Ecologistics, GHG Protocol, Atmospheric Emissions.Abstract
Transportation contributes significantly to aggravate the environmental impacts of logistics activities and, therefore, is a strong object of study for Green Logistics. Here, the Carbon Footprint (CFP) of a company’s fleet was analyzed for 12 months using the GHG Protocol method. After observing that cost could be a barrier to company's adoption of policies that reduces its environmental impacts, this study investigated how costly it would be to prioritize the use of less polluting fuels and vehicles. Thus, a scenario was proposed in which it sought to minimize the CFP values of such trips and, in another one, fuel costs. Finally, the environmental and financial impacts between the scenarios were compared through two metrics: Increase of Cost and Percentage Increase in relation to the lowest environmental impact scenario. It was possible to measure the variation of the CFP and fuel costs, providing the company a basis for decision making in order to minimize their environmental impacts.
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